GB Studio 3.1.0 now available!

This one is a big quality of life update with lots of improvements to scripting and music editing, we have a new music template file and even the support for sound effect files (.wav, .vgm and fx hammer!) that was promised back in the early previews of v3!

We've also launched a new GB Studio site featuring improved documentation at

Full changelog is available at

If you spot any problems, please make sure to report an issue at


GB Studio for Windows 64-bit (With Installer) 209 MB
Version 3.1.0 Sep 11, 2022
GB Studio for Mac (Intel) 101 MB
Version 3.1.0 Sep 11, 2022
GB Studio for Linux (AppImage) 103 MB
Version 4.0.1 4 days ago
GB Studio for Linux (AppImage) 103 MB
Version 3.1.0 Sep 11, 2022
GB Studio for Ubuntu/Debian Linux 79 MB
Version 3.1.0 Sep 11, 2022
GB Studio for Fedora/Red Hat Linux 82 MB
Version 3.1.0 Sep 11, 2022
GB Studio for Windows 64-bit (No Installer) 110 MB
Version 3.1.0 Sep 11, 2022
GB Studio for Windows 32-bit (With Installer) 198 MB
Version 3.1.0 Sep 11, 2022
GB Studio for Windows 32-bit (No Installer) 105 MB
Version 3.1.0 Sep 11, 2022

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Love to see this! Can't wait till we see GBA Studio one day.


WAV SOUNDS! BRILLIANT! next comes the chippy sound effect creation. still trying to figure out that complicated sound effect plugin. having one that's built-in and easier to use would be great :)

thankyou, chris!


Yeah! So many great improvements! :)


Aww yeah! :D